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  • 01:01:25

Mary Kay LeTournaeu - Teacher turned Rapist

True Crime Queen
THE MOST INFAMOUS SCHOOL TEACHER: It was 1996 when the Seattle area school teacher, Mary Kay LeTourneau, was caught repeatedly raping a former student of hers starting at the age of 13. She was convicted of child rape and served 7 years in prison but NOT before having 2 of his children before the boy was even 15 years old. They later get married and some people still have the audacity to call this “forbidden love”. Not today folks….Not today! 🔍EPISODE SOURCES: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xttSMq1SoKH7EbeUPwPu_PCvGJXszc4l0M806b-4zAY/edit?usp=sharing 🔞 LISTENER DISCRETION IS ADVISED! 🎁 SUPPORT: patreon.com/gingerthetruecrimequeen ✉ EMAIL: thetruecrimequeen@gmail.com 🎶INTRO MUSIC: @theaux_elliot

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